Randolph, Vermont
The White River Craft Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community-based arts center fostering creativity through space, learning, and meaningful connections.
Whether you choose to join as a member, donate, or volunteer, your support is invaluable in making our work possible.
Our winter/spring calendar is underway!
We have a variety of looms, parts, quilting frames, spinners and more -
everything must go!
Contact jess@whiterivercraftcenter.org for more information
This pen and ink by Randolph artist, Phil Godenschwager. Captures the White River Craft Center from 2010. See the original with its incredible detail in our Studio Artist Gallery.
The White River Craft Center stands in solidarity with the Black
Lives Matter movement and the BIPOC community. We support our
community in the fight for equality and eliminating racial injustice. The time is
now for change, for difficult conversations, and for positive action.
We are in this together.
The White River Craft Center is a community-based art center fostering creativity through space, learning, and meaningful connections.
Thank you to all of you who supported us as volunteers and occupants of the White River Craft Center such as the VT Department of Labor; WRCC studio artists; Friday Weavers; Restorative Justice; the Vermont Weavers Guild; SAAP and many more.
Neal Martin Christensen Foundation, Lamson-Howell Foundation, Gifford Medical Center, Northfield Savings Bank, Randolph Technical Career Center, SimplePortals, The Freeman Foundation, The Preservation Trust of Vermont, The Town of Randolph, Upper Valley Community Foundation, Vermont Arts Council, Vermont Clay Studio, Vermont Community Foundation, Vermont Department of Health, Vermont Agency of Human Services, Vermont Department of Labor, SAAP, Frankenberg Agency
50 Randolph Avenue, Randolph, Vermont 05060, United States
Gallery Hours/Public Hours Tuesday - Friday 10am-2pm
Available by appointment or scheduled activity
Contact info@whiterivercraftcenter.org